Thursday, August 21, 2008

Website up!

We have a website!

ABA's website,, is now up and ready for perusal. It also has a store with many pretty pictures. There's no way to buy anything through the website yet.

Building this website was a large undertaking because I decided that I was going to build it myself, and before I could do that I had to teach myself HTML, XHTML, and CSS. With the help of a good book on those three languages, I believe the end result was well worth the effort, and I hope you agree!

It's best viewed in Mozilla Firefox due to a funky display issue with IE which I am working on resolving. There are a lot of features and additions that I plan to add to the website in the future, including a Paypal store. The website is still in development and can be expected to change for the better. Enjoy!

**edit 9/8/08 All funky display issues are resolved, I think. *crosses fingers*

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